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Important Notice - Garden Waste Collection disruption

Due to ongoing operational challenges, all remaining garden waste collections for this week have unfortunately been cancelled. Instead of rescheduling missed collections for next week, we will add an extra collection at the end of the garden waste season to ensure no collections are lost. If your brown bin was not emptied as scheduled, please bring it back in and present it again on your next collection day.

South and East Lincolnshire Crowd Fund

Information about crowd funding opportunities


Please visit the South and East Lincolnshire Crowd Fund to find out more about how you can fund your project.  The South and East Lincolnshire Crowd Fund is our new online crowd-funding platform where residents, local business, the council and other organisations can all pledge money alongside each other to crowd-fund projects that improve their area.

Funding Available

The Boston Community Fund could pledge up to £5,000 towards eligible projects.  To see if your project idea is eligible for a pledge from the fund please visit the Boston Borough Council Profile of the spacehive website.

Projects which need your support

To find out about projects in your area that need your support you can visit the South and East Lincolnshire Crowd Fund page.

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