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Important Notice - Garden Waste Collection disruption

Due to ongoing operational challenges, all remaining garden waste collections for this week have unfortunately been cancelled. Instead of rescheduling missed collections for next week, we will add an extra collection at the end of the garden waste season to ensure no collections are lost. If your brown bin was not emptied as scheduled, please bring it back in and present it again on your next collection day.

Community events in Boston for 2024

Posted on 19th April 2024

Boston Borough Council's events team and local organisers have an exciting line-up of community events planned for Boston Town Centre for 2024. Funded mainly through the Boston Town Area Committee (BTAC), these events celebrate the history, heritage, culture, and diversity of our town, while also driving footfall into the town centre and promoting healthy activities within the community.

As we embrace Springtime in Boston, we're thrilled to announce the event line-up for the rest of the year. With the May Fair just around the corner and Boston Bike Night under new leadership, our community is in for some fantastic experiences.

Here's a glimpse of what's in store for 2024:

  • May 4th to 11th: Boston May Fair

  • May 30th and 31st: Carousel Horses Trail

  • June 22nd: Charity Shop Flea Market

  • June 23rd: Classic Car and Vintage Festival

  • July 4th: Boston Bike Night

  • July 14th: Boston's Strongest and Food Fest

  • July 15th to September 2nd: Boston Beach

  • July 17th: Teddy Bears Picnic at the beach

  • July 20th: Busking Festival

  • July 23rd: Golden Time at the beach

  • August 2nd: Explorer Trail

  • August 2nd and 3rd: Food Festival

  • August 7th: Dinosaur Trail

  • August 10th: Art Street Market

  • August 15th and 16th: Two-day Boston Beach and Boston Big Local Legacy Event

  • August 17th: Skate Jam

  • August 20th: Fun in the Sun at the beach

  • August 25th: Ska and Reggae Festival

  • August 28th: Mermaid Themed Trail

  • October 25th: Haunted Boston

  • November 29th to December 1st: Boston Christmas Festival

Cllr Dale Broughton, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Events at Boston Borough Council, said: "I am delighted that we have a great line-up of events to see us through 2024. With Boston Bike Night being secured by a new group of volunteers, as well as the beach making a return to Central Park alongside the Legacy event for Boston Big Local, celebrating their 10 years of funding support for many events held in Boston Town Centre.

"I hope many families make the most of these events we have lined up for our community, many of which are completely free.

"I am also looking forward to welcoming the new events to the town this year, our residents have asked for more events for the whole family and this is what we are bringing, the Boston's Strongest and Food Fest as well as the Ska and Reggae Festival later in the year."

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