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Important Notice - Garden Waste Collection disruption

Due to ongoing operational challenges, all remaining garden waste collections for this week have unfortunately been cancelled. Instead of rescheduling missed collections for next week, we will add an extra collection at the end of the garden waste season to ensure no collections are lost. If your brown bin was not emptied as scheduled, please bring it back in and present it again on your next collection day.

The Robert Lauberts Environment and Communities Achievement Award 2024

Posted on 22nd April 2024

Do you know someone that is committed to their community or environmental endeavours? Then why not nominate them for The Robert Lauberts Award 2024.

There are many community-minded citizens who go the extra mile to help improve Boston, and the search is on once again to find one to honour with the annual Robert Lauberts Environment and Communities Achievement Award.

Rob, a hard-working supporter of Boston in Bloom died in 2015 after a short battle with cancer.

He worked tirelessly alongside his wife, Rachel, on improvements to Boston, especially a revamp of Custom House Quay and the garden at the Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex. He was also the enthusiastic chairman of Main Ridge East Placecheck Group, secretary of Boston Greenscapers, chairman of Boston Big Local Boosting Economy Group and the chairman of the Boston Community Forum. He was driven in his volunteering efforts by a passion to make Boston a better place to live.

Previous winners of this award have been presented in Rob's memory to Rodney Bowles in 2016, Pete Desforges in 2017, Neville Dodd in 2018, Paul Collingwood in 2019, Bridget Sykes in 2022 and Adrian Isaac in 2023.

Nominations are now open, to be eligible for this award the nominee must be an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the community through regular voluntary activity which helps to make central Boston a more attractive place, through environmental projects.

Alison Fairman, Chair of Boston in Bloom, said: "We have some amazing hard-working volunteers from many groups in Boston. If you know a volunteer, someone who is outstanding in their contribution to Boston enter their name and tell us about the work they do for the town."

You can nominate online here or a paper copy can be requested by emailing

Nominations close on Friday 31st May 2024.

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