Latest News
Boston Borough Council's Cabinet approves Pilot Community Skip Service to combat fly-tipping
On Wednesday 24 July, Boston Borough Council's Cabinet unanimously supported a proposal to introduce a pilot community skip service which is part of a wider strategy aimed at reducing fly-tipping in the Borough.
'Quick, efficient and helpful' - Partnership launches new webchat service
A new webchat service has been launched by the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, providing residents with direct access to the customer contact team of its three councils, without having to pick up the phone.
New Chair Appointed for Boston Town Board
Joanna Brigham has been announced as the new Chair of Boston Town Board.
Mayhem Gym's Boston's Strongest and Food Fest draws thousands to Boston Town Centre
The heart of Boston was buzzing with excitement yesterday as thousands of residents and visitors flocked to the town centre to partake in the first joint Boston's Strongest 2024 and Food Fest. This much-anticipated event showcased not only the incredible strength and determination of competitors but also offered a culinary delight with a variety of food and drink stands that catered to every palate.
Pranali Parikh joins the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership as Director of Economic Development
The South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership has welcomed Pranali Parikh as the Partnership's Director of Economic Development.
Boston in Bloom welcomes EMIB judge for twelfth year
Yesterday, Boston welcomed East Midlands in Bloom (EMIB) judges to witness firsthand how the town continues to bloom and thrive through community effort.
Boston Borough Council adopts New Street Art Policy to foster creativity and community engagement
A new Street Art Policy was adopted with full support by the Boston Borough Council's Cabinet at their last meeting.
Stay safe near water: Understanding the risks and what to do in an emergency
Recent statistics have revealed a concerning fact that 40% of people who accidentally drowned had no intention of entering the water.
Understanding Grass Cutting and Grounds Maintenance in Boston Borough
The maintenance of most grassed verges is the overall responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council as the authority responsible for Highways
Boston Town to bloom with new hanging baskets and planters
Boston's town centre is set to become a vibrant hub of colour with the addition of new hanging baskets and planters. This initiative, a collaborative effort between Boston Borough Council, Lincolnshire Police, and HMP North Sea Camp, aims to enhance public open spaces and revitalise the town's street scene.
Boston to host first Charity Shop Flea Market alongside Boston Market
Local residents are invited to support a unique and exciting event as Boston prepares to host its first Charity Shop Flea Market alongside Boston Market later this month. This community-focused event aims to bring together local charities and the public for a day of shopping, entertainment, and family fun.