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Important Notice - Garden Waste Collection disruption

Due to ongoing operational challenges, all remaining garden waste collections for this week have unfortunately been cancelled. Instead of rescheduling missed collections for next week, we will add an extra collection at the end of the garden waste season to ensure no collections are lost. If your brown bin was not emptied as scheduled, please bring it back in and present it again on your next collection day.

Street Cleaning

We are responsible for the sweeping, litter picking and general cleansing of our land and public adopted highways, including emptying litter and dog waste bins and removing dead animals.

Included within the Street Cleaning service are:

  • Adopted highway cleansing;
  • Cleansing of our parks, car parks, recreation areas and coach stations;
  • Autumn leaf clearance from the areas mentioned above;
  • Removal of dead animals from the areas mentioned above;
  • Removal of dog excreta from the areas mentioned above.

The service does not cover:

  • Areas of public open land within the Borough that are owned and maintained by other bodies (for example, parish councils);
  • Private land;
  • Unadopted highways;
  • Birds, rabbits or squirrels from any area.

Responsibility for cleansing / maintenance of private land and unadopted highways rests with the landowner.

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