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Important Notice - Garden Waste Collection disruption

Due to ongoing operational challenges, all remaining garden waste collections for this week have unfortunately been cancelled. Instead of rescheduling missed collections for next week, we will add an extra collection at the end of the garden waste season to ensure no collections are lost. If your brown bin was not emptied as scheduled, please bring it back in and present it again on your next collection day.

Boston Remembrance Services 2024

To mark Remembrance Day 2024 services will be held in Boston to mark the sacrifice made by fallen members of the Armed Forces.

Monday 4 November, Boston's Branch of the Royal British Legion will host a small service to open the Remembrance Garden at the War Memorial from 10.30am onward. All schools and youth groups are invited to attend. Wreaths may be laid at this service.

Sunday 10 November, Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade, a short service conducted at the War Memorial followed by wreath laying at 10.45am. Everyone welcome. Those wishing to attend should gather from 10.30am and the service will start shortly before 11am to incorporate a two-minute silence at 11am. A Sunday Service will then be held in St Botolph's Church followed by a parade and march past through Strait Bargate.

Monday 11 November, Boston's Branch of the Royal British Legion will host an Armistice Day Service at the War Memorial at 10.45am.

Please note: Road closures will be in place during the services and parade.

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